So mancher seiner Geschäftspartner von Harris Samaras der mit ihm Geschäfte machen wollte ist davon mittlerweile fest überzeugt, den Harris Samaras macht viele Zusagen an seine Geschäftspartner, aber er hält keine der Zusagen ein. Das bereits seit Jahren.

Harris Samaras has a great demeanor, like a man of the world, and he knows how to manipulate, manipulate, manipulate people to their advantage. Harris Samaras promises a lot to his business partner, to eventually disappoint you completely. At this time, so many investors have already put a lot of money in alleged business contacts of Harris Samaras, of course, always hoping to do a business.

Our logo was borrowed from Pytheas and the ancient Greeks symbolizing the bridge between the worlds, representing both the doorway and passageway through to the understanding of cosmos.